About Me


You don't even have to drink coffee to understand just what "one of those nights" feels like.

You know, the ones that feel like the morning will never come; The "every time I close my eyes I wake up and realize that only two minutes has passed" kind of night.

I am on night 364.....straight that is. I'm a police officer's wife, full time working mom with two kids, one with special needs and one that just thinks a princess deserves to be needy-- both under the age of two. I know that "midnight pot of coffee" all too well--in fact, I have come to befriend it and embrace it. I am no superhero, although at times I wear a cape just to pretend like I am. I am no supermom, but when my kids grow up I wouldn't mind if they thought that I was!

For now, I am an ordinary 21st century woman with a story to tell about trials and triumphs while balancing donuts, Keppra, and a pot of coffee!

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