Tuesday, April 24, 2012

To Research or Not to Research--That is the Question

Recently I traveled to Tucson and gave a presentation on Evidence-Based Practices and the importance of Comprehensive Evaluations and Program Development.  One of my co-presenters that night was Dr. Sydney Rice, a well known Developmental Pediatrician and a member of the CDC Autism Survelence Study.  As part of her presentation, she discussed the options parents have of using thier specific experiences, children's records, conditions and/or treatment approaches for research purposes.  I can see where this wouldn't be for everybody--but I sure do appreciate the opportunties these families have provided.  My focus in life is to give and to share---seems like this little girls and I have a few things in common.

1 comment:

  1. Our #1 credo is First Do No Harm. As long as the research doesn't entail ingesting anything we'll consider it. We have participated in a few studies that required blood draws. One done when Andy needed blood drawn any way & the 2nd for an international genetic data base. We all owe so much to research. It's the only way to find out the treatments we may need. However, we are selective about whose research we choose to participate in.


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