Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quick iPad App Review: My Medical

Can I just say.... Amazing! I have found my new favorite App. I have added "take advantage of technology" to my Navigating the system tips, because with out all of these short cuts I am not sure where I would be!

I do realize I am a few years behind, so pardon my bizarre excitement as I work through the App Store!

Top on my list so far is an app called My Medical. This has saved me so much time. As many of you know, keeping track of records, appointments, medications etc. can be so difficult.  But with this App I am able to sinc all appointments with my iCalander, email pertinent information to myself or others in one step and keep track of questions that I have for upcoming doctors appointments.  I can even scan in records, reports, xrays, labs etc! 

As I've mentioned before, we are in the process of medical review for Arizona Long Term Care.   It took me 5 minutes to prepare all of the necessary information they needed (i.e. Doctors, addresses, phone numbers, next schedule appointment, hospital visits, last seizure etc).

Here is a wonderful review done by the App Whisperer

I also downloaded an app today on my iPhone:  Milebug   I haven't had a chance to use it, but I want to try to keep track of the medical appointments to make taxes a breeze! I will see how it works next week.

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